Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Last year, I spent most of the school year participating in Teacher Research.  I was able to collaborate with other teachers in my building to share research.  We explored many questions together, and looked closely at what was happening inside our classroom walls.  I decided to focus my research last year on the idea of perspective.  I tried to bring the idea of perspectives into many different content areas, and focused on creating an empathetic atmosphere in the classroom.  Throughout my research I discovered many books to use that would allow us to see from a different perspective.  I recently found a book that would have been perfect to tie into all this research:  Wonder by: RJ Palacio.... don't worry... I can still use it next year.  :)  This book weaves in different perspectives throughout the story and reminds us to be "kinder than necessary."

I encourage you all to give this a try.  I couldn't put it down!  

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful book! A a mother of a child born with a facial birth defect, I can tell you it really truck home. Thank you for promoting it. I think everyone could benefit from reading this book, but especially school age children.

    Teaching with Moxie
