Monday, February 13, 2012

That's Baloney!

There are many books in our classroom that are well loved.  The covers are ripped, pages bent and the poor things are constantly getting shuffled from one desk bag to the next.  One of our classroom favorites is Jon Scieszka and Lane's Smith's Baloney.  

Now if you haven't read this book, it's about a young alien, Henry P. Baloney. Henry finds himself late to school one too many times.  His teacher, Miss Bugscuffle asks for his reasoning, and threatens life long detention unless he has a reeeealllly good excuse.  Henry goes into detail about what has happened, using words from other languages to help him out.  For example, he misplaced his trusty Zimulus on his Deski.  

This books had all of us laughing as I tried to read aloud the weird words.  Some of them were even Polish, and I couldn't do it!  Ha!  Using an idea found in this book, students worked together to find the meaning of each word after we read it together.  They had to find proof from the text that helped them find what the words meant.  (Inferring!)  And at the end, we got to check our ideas with the glossary in the back of the book.  We had a ball, all while tackling a bigger chunk of reading comprehension.  

Now what's on the agenda for my snow day?  A full day of PJs, snacking, watching Bachelor, and maybe even a little book shopping.  Wooohooo!  Enjoy the day!  

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